The Narrative of Victor Karloch

21 Jul

I’m involved in an amazing project that I’m really excited about! It’s a puppet film directed by Kevin McTurk called “The Narrative of Victor Karloch”

As for my role in the project, I’m the intern on it and I do a bunch of stuff as simple as carrying stuff around, assisting the dp, manning the fog machine to some art department work. I even had my first little puppeteering experiences as well and I should add it’s much tougher than it looks.

Overall, It’s an amazing crew and everybody on set are really nice and sharing. I’m learning a lot and am really glad to be a part of something that will blow people’s minds. The shoots look simply outstanding!

The photos below are taken from the film’s facebook page where you can reach from here: There are more cool pictures and updates there.

To see an early trailer you can visit:

Once you are at checking links you can also visit director’s imdb page; he has worked on pretty much every other big Special FX movie since Jurassic Park, the first movie I’ve ever seen in a movie theater!

I think I also should add that the photos below are just raw footage taken straight from the camera!

I might be able to add some behind the scenes photos as well once it’s released and if I get clearance from the guys.

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Posted by on July 21, 2011 in Puppetry


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